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Send Money
If you would like to send money Click Here to access the “Donate” page
You can send money for:
1) Spending Money
2) Canteen Money (directly to your son’s canteen account)
Staff Tips
Suggested Tip per Staff Member is $30.
Each Talmid has one Counselor and two Maggidei Shiurim.
Beyond that, there are other Staff Members (Head Staff, Directors, Program Directors, Infirmary, etc) ensuring that your son has an enjoyable summer. Please do not forget about them!
Start by first logging into your ultra camp account or by Clicking Here once you are logged in, proceed to the following steps:
Click Here to tip a Staff Member
Click Here for our complete Staff list
Step 1: Insert Click Here to tip a Staff Memberthe amount, and in the comment box add the name of the staff member you would like to tip.
Step 2: On the bottom right, click ‘Add Donations’, then proceed to Checkout and then to Payment.
Step 3: Log in to your account and proceed to payment.
Step 4: Choose your method of payment.
Step 5: Press process order.
Click Here to tip a Staff Member
A birthday in YSP is a special occasion. A time to make a פארברענגען, say over a מאמר, and take on החלטות טובות.
As a rule, the YSP Staff consults the birthday registry on a regular basis, preparing for each one in advance according to the הוראות of the Rebbe, arranging a פארברענגען, etc. However, it is a good idea to send a reminder to the Talmid’s מגיד שיעור, just to make sure we don’t forget. To order a Birthday Farbrengen for your son, please click here